Wine Humor

I attended the Lauber portfolio tasting the other day.  Unfortunately I was only able to spend about 2 hours there.  But I tasted a lot of wine, all of it good, and some of it quite interesting and worth seeking out.  I am working on my notes from the tasting and hope to have something written up about it soon.

But in the meantime I thought you might enjoy some wine humor that has been sent my way in recent days…

Happy (and humorous) Wine Tasting!


To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine.. . and those who don’t.
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom,
in beer there is freedom,
in water there is bacteria.

In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. coli) – bacteria  found in feces.

In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop.

However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or tequila, rum, whisky or other liquor), because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.
Water = Poop,
Wine = Health .

Therefore, it’s better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit.

The  Hormone Guide
Women will understand this!
Men should memorize it!

Every woman knows that there are days when all a man has to do is open his mouth and he takes his life in his hands! This is a handy guide that should be carried like a driver’s license in the wallet of every husband, boyfriend, co-worker or significant other!





What’s for

Can I help you
with dinner?

Where would you like
to go for dinner?

Here, have some wine

Are you
wearing that?

You sure
look good in brown!

WOW! Look at you!

Here, have some wine

What are you
so worked up about?

Could we be

Here’s my paycheck.

Here, have some wine

Should you be
eating that?

You know, there are
a lot of apples left.

Can I get you a piece
of chocolate with that?

Here, have some wine

What did you
DO all day?

I hope you didn’t
over-do it today.

I’ve always loved you
in that robe!

Here, have some wine

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