This according to the website of the medical journal Cell Metabolism (as per Wine Spectator online).
Yet another article about resveratrol and its benefits. This one seems to contradict others that suggested that resveratrol extends life expectancy. Here the “researchers said the compound helps keep the bones, eyes, kidneys, heart and other muscles in mice healthier as they age, though without increasing the animals’ overall lifespan”.
The study compared the effects of resveratrol to those of another life enhancing therapy – caloric restriction (CR), a process where one’s diet is reduced by 30 to 40 percent fewer calories. Based on several studies performed on mice, researchers found multiple similarities in their effects.
A nice piece. Check it out. And keep drinking red wine – to your health!
Happy AND HEALTHY wine tasting!
Tags: caloric restriction, Cell Metabolism, Resveratrol, Wine Spectator
Oh I love this stuff! biopsies on mice – cute!
Another benefit of red wine is that it has been shown to have a small increase in HDL, the good cholesterol. HDL decreases the risk of heart disease by picking up your excess cholesterol, and carries it to your liver where it is repackaged and pooped out.
The American Heart Association recommends we can have , in moderation, up to 2 drinks a day for men/ 1 drink for women so you are luckier than us!
1 drink = 4oz for wine. cheers
I love any benefit wine has to give…caloric restriction…what……just keep exercising!
Many people enjoy red wine because it taste good but there are also many health benefits to drinking it in moderation. First off red wine has many antioxidants that can increase your health benefit by reducing the risk of heart disease. Researchers have also showed that drinking two glasses of red wine a day can help protect you against many cancers. Resveratrol is the active agent in red wine that can keep your body healthy and they are now forming a pill that will have this agent in it. There resveratrol can keep the cells in the body from mutating into cancer cells and this helps your chances not to develop the disease.