Archive for the ‘Wine STUFF’ Category

New World vs. Old World Wine

Saturday, April 12th, 2008

As I weave my way through the maze that is the wine world I often meet people who are lovers of EITHER “Old World” wine OR “New World” Wine. As I understand it there are two main distinctions between the “Old” & “New” world wine producing countries; history & style.

The first distinction is that “Old World” implies countries that have long traditions for wine production such as France, Italy, Germany & Spain. While “New World” locations, such as The US, Australia, New Zealand, South American countries (such as Chile & Argentina) and even Israel, have entered into the wine making fray within the last 20-50 years (or re-entered as the case is with Israel).

The other distinction between Old & New World, has to do with wine STYLE. Old world style wines tend to be less fruit forward, lower in alcohol, posses the capability for longer aging, and at times are not very approachable (read: drinkable) in their youth (as a result of overpowering tannins, high acidity, etc). While new world style wines are often fruit forward wines (grown in regions where the temperature/climate leads to ripe fruit), whose alcohol is higher (generally greater than 12-13%), ageability is questionable (if for no other reason than a lack of history to verify its age worthiness) yet are often more approachable in their youth.

SO, which is better???


Underage drinking – can it be managed responsibly at home?

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

I recently blogged about proposals to lower the drinking age in several states (“States Weigh Lower Drinking Age“), many with some caveats.

Last week, Eric Asimov, the New York Times wine writer took things a step further when he wrote an article “Can Sips At Home Prevent Binges?”.

The topic is especially relevant this time of year considering the upcoming Passover Seder and its mandated 4 cups of wine. (more…)

How Long to age your wine?

Friday, March 28th, 2008

I received a very good question from a reader yesterday. The question by Wayne W. is as follows:

“One question I still have about red wines is how long to cellar them before drinking. I try to keep them a minimum of three years past the bottling date, unless they are wines designed for drinking young … What is your opinion? ”

Remembering a 1996 Hagafen Cabernet Sauvignon that I bought and saved until 2004 I knew this was a question I needed to address. My story did not end pretty – I stored my wine where food should be – in the kitchen, makes sense right? Well, when I finally opened the bottle I had a cooked and really nasty wine. Boy was I disappointed (Hey Ernie, wanna send me a ’96 from your library?).

So, Rule #1 – NEVER STORE YOUR WINE NEAR HEAT. The kitchen is the WORST place. If & when possible, keep in a cool dark location. Some suggested are closets, basements, etc. And if possible, get a wine fridge. This isn’t necessary if you are to hold onto a bottle for a few days or even a few months. But once you hit the 6 month plateau and move on to years, your wine should really be stored properly to avoid pre-mature aging or even spoiling.

Rule #2 – THERE ARE NO STEADFAST RULES TO HOW LONG A WINE CAN/SHOULD AGE. That is not to say that there are not many guidelines. And these guidelines are what I would like to share with you. (more…)