Archive for the ‘Wine STUFF’ Category

Keeping open bottles of wine

Thursday, March 5th, 2009

I was in Brooklyn today doing some work with wine and at the end of the day I met an old friend for a beer (hey – they say it takes a lot of beer to make a good wine).  As we were parting ways I gave my friend about 4 open bottles I had been working with that day.  He thanked me for the gift and mentioned that he would use them that weekend with family.  To which I replied that he better get to them before the weekend as they will likely be oxidized by the weekend and no longer good.

Which leads to today’s topic.  How long can one keep an open bottle of wine??

There are many answers here and I suppose the only truly important answer is that you can keep an open bottle of wine as long as you still enjoy drinking it.  BUT…oxidation does kick in by day 2 (if not sooner with older wines) and the more sensitive one is to oxidation the more likely they will detect this in a wine and no longer appreciate/enjoy said wine.

SO, you want to keep a bottle past the night (or day) you open it.  What to do?

Yes, you can recork it and refrigerate it.  That works to some degree as the refrigerator slows the oxidation process.  But I do not like this method as there is still oxygen in the bottle.

How about that gadget that removes oxygen from the bottle?

Sure, this works well enough.  But there is no way this cheapo gadget fully removes the oxygen.  And all the pumping also tends to remove many of the aromas that make wine so special.

What about inserting gas into wine?  They are selling an at home version of an inert gas these days that allows consumers to insert gas into their open wine bottles.  This gas is heavier than air and keeps the oxygen away from the wine, in turn preventing the wine from oxidation.  But how many of us really want to start messing with gasses????…

Which leads to my preferred method.  This is a trick I learned while working at some wineries.  I like to pour the wine out of its original bottle into a smaller bottle.  Make sure it is filled to the top (thus removing all oxygen).  And simply re-cork it.

I like using old 500ml. or 375ml. wine bottles.  But this can also simply be done with an old plastic water bottle.  The water bottle might actually be the best trick as you don’t have to have an exact amount like you do for the glass bottles.

With the water bottle you can simply pour in your leftover wine.  Screw the cap on – but not completely tight.  Then gently squeeze the bottle to remove any air (oxygen).  And when the air is all out and your crushed water bottle has nothing in it but wine close the cap until it is tightly closed.

A pretty cool trick that works WONDERS!

Happy previously opened wine tasting!


Reviewing wine – how to remain unbiased?

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

I was recently contacted by some people representing an Australian wine.  They found my blog and asked me if I would be willing to receive some samples and review said wines.  I responded that I would be happy to give the wines a try, but that I would only review them if I had something positive to say.  I do not see the point in bashing a wine.  Not only might it be a wine that others will love, but what constructive purpose will my writing anything negative about their wine serve.

At the same time, and more on topic as it pertains to my title, how do I remain unbiased in my review.  The people were quite warm when they reached out and even complimentary.  I really WANTED to write nice things.

I have on several occasions been given reason to believe that a wine critic I have come to know will sometimes score wines made by people he likes a point higher than he might have had he not liked the people.

And I recently watched a critic reviewing a wine online whereby he admittedly gave the wine an extra point since it contained a varietal he particularly enjoys.


For starters, I do NOT score wines.  I find this to be silly.  One man’s 90 is another’s 75.   And what really is an 80 vs. an 85?  Or an 85 vs. and 89?  How about an 89 vs. a 90?  Or my biggest issue; a 91 vs a 95???

This takes me back to a previous post where I quoted a study that concluded that wine critics themselves can not replicate their own scores when tasting wines blind.

I do not have a solution for this.  I believe that we are all human and emotions will play a role in our judging of things that are subjective, such as food or wine.  If the cook is a friend, if the dish looks appealing, if the setting is just right – you WILL enjoy said meal, wine, etc  more than had things been different.

I suppose this is the reason why wine critics maintain as non-descript a setting as possible, re-taste wines several times and (claim to) taste blind.

Well, I’m unequivocally stating, and you can all quote me on this, that  I will NEVER use a 100 point scale to give a wine a score.  I can  see an A-F scale, or even a 1-10.  But 100 points…come on….be serious.

Without further ado, on to the wine in question.  I was sent the Ozzie-Ba-Ru 2003 Hunter Valley Shiraz.  And I was worried.  The typical Australia Shiraz style is one I am at present not a big fan of.   It is often very extracted, over the top fruity, and simply not a style I go for these days (though I loved this style wine as I was developing my palate).  Lo and behold I REALLY ENJOYED THE WINE.

A reasonable 13% alcohol in a screw cap package, this clear light reddish wine was full of aromas that were present but subdued.  Cherry cola/black cherry, raspberry, pine needles and a hint of earth on the nose.  These aromas opened up to secondary aromas of mocha and chocolate (or as my special lady, unprompted, said “white chocolate”).  The palate had a nice bracing acidity and well integrated tannins with big yet well balanced and not over the top fruit.  A wine with a very nice overall structure.  I’m not certain that this is an “A” wine, but it sure is close.  Nice job!

Happy unbiased (good luck) Wine Tasting

Happy Prez Day!

Sunday, February 15th, 2009

Happy President’s Day Wine Tasting!


Decanting & “Wine imports on fire”??

Monday, February 9th, 2009

Wow, what a weekend.  Some incredible highs and sadly a low or two.  I don’t want to get into the not-too-interesting details of my personal life in this medium but lets just say I need to update my blog bio. 😉

OK, now that that is out of the way, I want to touch on the idea of decanting.  I received an email from Wine Enthusiast online a few weeks ago.  Like so many others they are apparently Vlogging.  There is a nice piece written about decanting as well as a quick video.  While they do sell the products they are writing/reporting about, the information is useful.

That said I believe the important points about decanting are summed up perfectly in the first line written bu Erika; that decanting is done “for enhancing the flavors of a young wine or for removing sediment from an old wine”.  I’m not certain that I would use the same language, but it does present the case for decanting.

Some experts disagree about the first part (enhancing flavors) but all do agree that IF you choose to remove an old wine from the sediment that may be at the bottom of the bottle, a decanter is useful.  CAVEAT – older wines break down when exposed to oxygen much quicker than younger wines.  And decanting an older wine to remove it from its sediment puts the wine at risk of premature oxidization.

A wine mentor of mine suggests simply pouring a wine with sediment very gently (at a 90 degree angle) from the bottle into the glasses and not removing it from the bottle to avoid this extra risk.  Using this method you will likely need to leave the last 10% (or so) of the wine in the bottle at the end.

On a completely separate note, I came across a business wire article about Argentinian wines.  Apparently Argentinian wine imports are “on fire” (nice PR work!).

Argentina’s department of customs reports that Argentine wines were up 43.2% in value and 34.1% in volume.  Those are some pretty impressive figures – especially when you consider the state of our economy and the lack of growth most wine regions have experienced of late.  Given Argentina’s image as producing quality VALUE wines this does make sense, but it is no less impressive.

As an Israeli wine person I must admit that it makes me wonder what Israel wine needs to do to gain wider acceptance.  The experts agree that the quality is there.  Is it simply a matter of price?

I truly believe that when WE finally get retail locations to rid themselves of their “kosher” wine sections and simply stock their kosher wines like they do their other wines (by region, varietal, etc) that Israeli wines will take a huge step forward.  This is by no means a revolutionary idea, as it has been proposed countless times by my contemporaries.  Now I wonder, how can we get the retail decision makers to listen?

Happy Argentinan/Israeli wine tasting…decanted or not!



Monday, January 19th, 2009

“Why do we park on a driveway & drive on a parkway?”

This is the play on words joke I am reminded of as I prepare a quick little piece once again using the word “cork”.  In my last post I talked about “corked” wine.  And today I want to talk about “corkage”, or a corkage fee.

As the cartoon indicates a corkage fee is a fee restaurants charge guests who choose to bring their own bottle (of wine).  Not all restaurants offer this courtesy, but it is something certainly worth taking advantage of during these difficult economic times.

Some places that allow people to bring bottles for a fee are either restaurants that do not have their own liquor (or beer & wine) license.  Also, new restaurants that have not YET gotten their licenses will often allow guests to bring their own bottle – sometimes without charging a corkage.

People may be embarrassed to bring their own bottle but I read just today in “Wine & Spirits Daily” about a survey of women & wine with “Full Glass Research” wherein “55% (of women surveyed) stated that they are comfortable bringing their own bottle and paying a corkage fee“.

A final note about this convenient and practical option is WHAT BOTTLE to bring and pay the corkage fee.  Typically you can not bring a bottle that the restaurant already offers.  And inexpensive/generic bottles are often frowned upon.  May I suggest an unusual Israeli wine…

(Incidentally, Reuters in their review of the wine industry from 2008 said “Less well-known wine countries such as Israel … which (has) been making wine for millennia, (has) also seen (its) shares of the U.S. market gain a bit” – keep it up!)

Happy corkage fee wine tasting!


Red Wine headache

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

There is certain to be lots of drinking this holiday season.  And with drinking comes the inevitable hangover headache.  Drink too much of anything, and you are sure to be hit with a hangover the next morning.

But forgetting about the hangover in general for a moment, what I want to discuss today is a common misconception regarding the cause and effect relationship between RED WINE and headaches.  There are many people who frequently come down with a headache following some red wine drinking.  This is indisputable.  What I want to clear up however is people’s fear of the RED WINE HEADACHE, and what those who suffer from said headache can do to avoid the uncomfortable after-effect.

I have heard from countless people about their presumed allergy to red wine.  Or allergy to sulfites.  How they can drink white wine, but not red.  I have learned a lot about this, including the concept that in all likelihood many people who think they are allergic to sulfites probably are not.  FYI – dried fruit and salad bars contain a much higher level of sulfites than does red wine.  And oh yeah, white wine has plenty of sulfites as well, both naturally occurring sulfites and added sulfites (usually).

As always, if you have specific questions feel free to be in touch.  But without further ado, I’d like to reprint an article written by Jennifer Rosen (for titled Red Alert: taming the red wine headache.  A funny & informative read.  One that I hope clears up this issue for many of you who fear the RED WINE HEADACHE…



Judging by my e-mail, an alarming number of you have quit drinking red wine because it gives you a headache. Do not go gentle into that good night! As inventions go, red wine ranks right up there with indoor plumbing, novocaine and the wheel. More than a great pleasure, it’s been shown to prevent heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, memory loss and memory loss. (Note to self: drink more red wine).

I’ll bet people nag you, “Oh, come on, try a little. You’re just being hypersensitive!” At last, you are vindicated, because now your condition has an official name. If you’re one of those folks who gets a pounding headache, perhaps with nausea and flushing, within an hour or less of drinking even a small glass of red wine, you have Red Wine Headache Syndrome.

Since RWHS research has nothing to do with weight loss or baldness, and it’s not sexually transmitted, it doesn’t get much press. But, rest assured, scientists are working hard on your problem, and the latest studies conclude…that they haven’t the slightest idea what’s going on. Which is a big improvement over when they thought they knew, and were wrong. But there is still hope for you. Let’s start by busting a few myths.

First, the culprit is NOT sulfites. All wine contains sulfites, or SO2. For thousands of years, winemakers have welcomed its stabilizing effect, adding it at crucial intervals during vinification. Only American labels require the ominous warning, “Contains Sulfites,” if the level exceeds ten parts per million. This happens to be about the level you get if you don’t add any, since SO2 is a natural presence on grape skins. That’s why another label you might have seen, “No Sulfites Added,” is a bit disingenuous. However, the point is moot anyway, unless you are one of the very few, severely steroid-dependent asthmatics who actually is sulfite-sensitive. If so, you react much more violently to dried fruit, hot dogs and many other processed foods, because they have thousands of times the SO2 found in wine.

Second, it’s probably not the histamines, unless your headache comes with itching, sneezing, shortness of breath and diarrhea. If so, red is indeed the enemy, since the devil is in the skins, which give red its color. Good news! Taking an antihistamine before drinking should prevent the reaction. Just make sure to choose a non-drowsy formula, if you want to remember the evening instead of being remembered as the one who slid under the table.

The latest theory is that RWHS is caused by prostaglandin, which certain people lack the wherewithal to metabolize. Scientists admit that it might be caused by yet another substance, probably something in the strains of yeast or bacteria found in red wine. But they vow to soldier on until they’ve cornered the enemy, despite the obvious strain of having to drink all that leftover red wine in the lab.

But, more good news! Former sufferers are getting results from prostaglandin-inhibitors, namely Ibuprophin & Nuprin, as well as the weaker, but workable, aspirin. Take them less than an hour before drinking and chances are no headache will develop. If you should wake up the next morning with a headache, what you’ve got is known as “a hangover,” a medical condition that definitely deserves more research.

Best bet is to test this preventative with just a few sips of wine. And since I’m not a doctor, though I play one in the bedroom with my boyfriend, you should certainly consult your M.D. first.

So, now you, too, can be a wine snob, with your very own Wine Syndrome! When the conversation turns to MLF or carbonic maceration, try tossing in, “I find the aggressive delivery of RWH in this Volnay surprisingly muted by the prosto-inhibitors, don’t you?” Then smile mysteriously and enjoy, at long last, your red.

Happy Holidays! Holiday Wine

Monday, December 22nd, 2008


The holiday season has kicked into full gear and many people will be enjoying festive holiday meals in the coming days.  The joyous affairs often have several courses and can be nightmares for those attempting to pair the different foods with wine.

Before I even attempt to get technical please remember to enjoy a wine YOU LIKE.  Forget what the so-called “experts” say is a good wine or a good wine to enjoy with whatever food.  If you have a wine that you like and you want to drink GO FOR IT!

That said, there is a reason why wine & food pairing is done.  Certain elements in wine simply co-exists better with certain foods.  For example, my favorite pairing is red meat and red wine, as the tannic and often bold nature of a red wine goes quite well with the strong flavors and high fat content of red meat.

Without getting into too many wine pairing details, I want to make two suggestions for your holiday meals…

The first, go with a sparkling wine.  Said to be “food neutral”, sparkling wines are a fabulous compliment to spicy foods, fish (both cooked & raw), greasy foods (think potato latkes), sweet desserts…name it & it works.

The second is to go with a crisp, acidic white.  Similar to sparkling wines, these crisp whites (such as Sauvignon Blanc, Albarino or Riesling) provide a crisp & refreshing palate cleansing in between bites.  They help to cut through oily or cheesy dishes.  They are great sipping alone (although I think more of sipping one of these wines during the summertime months). And they are overall very versatile.

Feel free to send me a message or leave a comment if you have any specific holiday feast wine pairing questions.


Happy Holiday Wine Tasting!


To OAK or NOT to OAK…and wine consumption is UP!

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

As many of you know I’m doing some Israeli wine sales these days.  And in general, I have seen a trend with regards to wines and their aging in oak.  It seems in recent years (maybe even just the last year or so) that the wine “professionals” (insert snobs/purists/aficionados/etc.) are shying away from those wines made with judicious use of oak (aging wine in a high percentage of NEW oak barrels for an extended period).  Almost as if they are seeking out any hint of oak in the wine, these wine “professionals” are stating (right or wrong) that oak seems to mask the fruit elements of wine – often where the oak treatment is done to cover a lack of fruit or a flawed wine in general.

I have participated in a discussion on a wine forum regarding oak usage and just today performed what I felt turned out to be a very interesting experiment.  I took out two Cabernet Sauvignons in a similar price range – one made completely without oak (fermented and aged in stainless steel) and the other aged for 6 months in American oak barrels (not certain of % of new oak – sorry).

I have always been a firm believer that different people have different preferences and everybody is RIGHT.  What is most important is listening to your own palate and being confident enough to proclaim that your palate prefers one style to the other.

Well, the experiment proved just that.  I think I probably had about an even 50-50 split in terms of preference.  Some people preferred the fruity unoaked cab while others preferred the less fruity oaked one.  And you know who was right???….  they ALL WERE RIGHT – CAUSE THAT IS WHAT THEIR PALATES TOLD THEM!  Pretty cool huh?!

On a separate note, we are in a recession folks, and guess what… WINE CONSUMPTION IS UPPPP!!!

Here is a little excerpt from SPECIALTY FOOD NEWS:

“Wine consumption in America continues to increase, according to the U.S. Wine Market Report. While the weak global economy slowed growth considerably, projections are for another all-time high for the 16th consecutive year. The hottest segment of that growth is the 118 brands from smaller producers. They surged more than 8% last year, while the 50 biggest brands gained only 2-tenths of a percent, reported California Farm Bureau.”

Happy un/oaked Wine Tasting!


Value brands & NY Wine

Monday, December 8th, 2008

Some quick wine stuff today…

Following my last post inquiring about wine buying habits, I found the following info. (from Wine & Spirits Daily) referring to Value Spirits:

After years of little or no growth, value brands are starting to gain share and grow at a faster rate, as seen in Nielsen numbers to October 18. Dollar sales of value spirits grew 2.4% in the 52 weeks, 3.2% in the 12 weeks and 4.3% in the four weeks.

The data showed evidence of consumers trading down from ultra-premium spirits, which lost a significant amount of share in October. The category gained 9.7% in dollar sales in the 52 weeks to October 18, 5.1% in the 12 weeks and 2.3% in the four weeks.

Growth of mid-priced brands stayed relatively the same and premium brands lagged slightly, growing 2.2% in the 52 weeks and only 1.2% in the four weeks.”

Yes Spirits are different from Wine, but I have seen much of the same of late.  People are still drinking, but they are spending less money doing it.  “Trading down” is not a phrase most wine industry professionals like to hear, but it appears to be the (sad) reality given the trying times we are in the midst of.

AND speaking of trying times, a NY icon has closed its doors.

Vintage NY was a NY ONLY wine bar/store.  It was unique in so many ways, and a pretty special place.  As a matter of fact there were at one point two such Vintage NY locations.  This past week Vintage closed its second of two locations, citing “rising rents, higher costs, thin profit margins, slow cash flow, credit (issues)”, etc.

Not much to add here.  Hope this wasn’t TOO MUCH of a DOWNER post.  Just a reality check…

Happy exciting yet affordable Wine Tasting!


YOUR wine buying habits

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

So believe it or not loyal readers there are apparently, on average, about 150 of you a day who come visit this modest wine blog of mine.  Not a huge number by online standards but a nice number considering my first month or two I was getting about 3-5 daily views.

Anyway, I bring YOU up as I am curious and want to hear from YOU!  Seriously, I really do.

Having fully immersed myself in the wine business I have a lot of daily interaction with people within the trade.  And there are some common themes in terms of wine buying habits, while others are not that common.

First and foremost there is a NEW magic number in wine.  Or range to be more exact.  The new range is $14-$18 (back in the good old pre-recession days it was $20-25) to be.  Apparently that is what consumers are (for the most part) prepared to spend on a bottle of wine these days.  Sure there are those that spend more or less money.  And of course we might still splurge for a special occasion.  But in general, this is what the greatest percentage of people are spending.

But I’m curious.  Are you checking out wines from new regions?  Are you trying new varietals?  How about blends?  Are you for them or against them?  Are there wines from countries that you favor?  Are there wines from countries you simply won’t touch?

We all know by now that I am all about Israeli wines.  And you can probably infer that I am also pretty down with trying new things.  Don’t get me wrong, Cab is still king in my book and I’ll go for a good Cabernet (or Bordeaux style blend) with my favorite bloody rare steak any day.  But for things other than red meat I’m pretty open minded.  I want to try a nice Sangiovese…from Israel.  Or a cool red blend with…pinotage.  Seriously!

How about you?  What do you spend?  What varietal do you look for?  Do you ask the salespeople for help or do you choose a wine yourself?  Do you prefer certain countries or regions?  If you do, is it because those regions have good reputations for wine production or because you are a proud supporter of a certain country (said the Zionist)?  Do you buy all your wines at your local wine shop or do you travel to the discount place?  How about online?  Do you buy wine off the web?

PLEASE leave a comment and let me know.  I’m super curious.  If you are shy, you can contact me directly ( instead of leaving a comment for all of cyberspace to read.  I promise, I will not Spam you (at least not any time soon – KIDDING).  But it would be real informative and help me out.  If only 20% of you comment that should be about 25-30 comments.  I can’t wait to hear what you think…

I’ll start.  When I’m not buying Israeli wine I’m mostly trying wines from France or Italy.  I used to buy online but I get deals at retailers I work with so I buy mostly from them these days.  I prefer not to spend more than $20, but I have a wine buying addiction (that I am working on) so if something sounds/looks really good I may splurge.  I have been curious about Cab Franc these days and have been into Chinon.  In general I’m up for checking out new varietals.  I’m trying to better familiarize myself with highly reputed wines such as Burgundy & Brunello (hello wine tasting group & industry tastings).  Given the weather I prefer red to white.  Finally, nothing is better than enjoying a nice glass of wine with someone special.  Now if I can only figure out a way for the special young woman in my life to have a sip of wine with dinner and not pass out from it 10 minutes later.

I look forward to hearing from YOU!!!

Happy introducing yourself to the wine tasting guy…