Archive for the ‘Wine STUFF’ Category

Wine service – BY THE GLASS

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008


I have recently written about wine service in restaurants. While it is a bit of a hot topic right now (depending on who you ask) I want to take the conversation in a slightly different direction; “by the glass service”.

To bring this all together, my issue with wine service in restaurants had to do with how servers were pouring wine, or more specifically, high much they were pouring in the glass. Frankly I felt that almost EVERY TIME I allowed a server at a wine bar to pour, they would invariably pour to a level that did not allow me to swirl the wine – thereby detracting from my full appreciation of said wine.

Today I bring up by the glass service as this is something offered at my restaurants and wine bars for those who want to try a wine, but may not be prepared to buy a full bottle. It is especially helpful if two (or more) diners want different wines. (more…)

Wine pouring (cont.)

Sunday, June 1st, 2008


I’m revisiting this topic having previously discussed it in an April post given a recent spat of articles.

The first is written by Christopher Hitchens in Slate who takes issue with waiters pouring wine from a bottle he ordered for reasons he states in his piece (interrupting a story, pouring so that customers will feel obligated to order another bottle, etc.). And more recently, Calgary sommelier Aaron Plamondon, who refutes Hitchens piece and “defends the service industry”. (more…)

Sticky: Peanut butter without the jelly???

Monday, May 26th, 2008

OK, a strange title considering where I am going with this brief post. I attended a wedding last night. The bride is a girl I have known virtually my whole life as our mothers have been close since their high school days. The bride was beautiful, the guests were all jolly, enjoying the holiday weekend & the fabulous weather we’ve suddenly been hit with here in the NY Metro area. The Long Island country club that hosted the event was marvelous, with lush greenery & abundant flowers in bloom. (more…)

NYT Soave piece with great side message

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

I’m running late for a German Reisling tasting event down in Tribeca but I just read an article in the NY Times Dining Out Section, the Wines of the Times column by Eric Asimov titled “Soave Challenges its easy image“.

While the article has opened my mind to Soave whereas I previously have thought of Soave as Asimov puts it as a “crisp, cold, characterless quaffing wine”, that is not what struck me most about the piece. I was excited to have a close friend, Fred Plotkin involved in the tasting, and it was Fred’s lack of excitement as opposed to Asimov’s enthusiasm that hit home with me.

Says Asimov “These sorts of disagreements are an important reminder of how subjective the perception of wine can be”.

A small point made that carries SO MUCH WEIGHT. People need to feel more comfortable with the idea that it is OK to like a wine that somebody else dislikes. Even if that somebody esle is a so-called “expert”.

Happy INDIVIDUALISTIC wine tasting!!!


Wine bashing

Monday, May 12th, 2008

The California wine industry that welcomed a wine-novice Wine Tasting Guy with open arms is under attack. Alice Feiring, a warm woman whom I met & spoke with at length shortly after transitioning into the wine industry, is under attack. Wine drinkers everywhere are seemingly under attack. (more…)

Wine Pleasures

Friday, May 9th, 2008

Eric Asimov of the NY Times wrote in his blog “The Pour” an article titled “Wine’s Pleasures: Are They All In Your Head?“, about “what motivates the wine shopper”. The article (or I suppose really blog post) is the second most emailed article on the NY Times website today as of 7PM and has so far amassed 231 comments (and counting I’m sure). (more…)


Sunday, April 27th, 2008

I want to apologize to you all for the infrequent posts of late. I have been “vacationing” in L.A. with family for the Passover holiday. I fly to NORCAL (AKA Bay Area, AKA Northern California) tomorrow and will be spending a quick 48 hours in wine country.

I return to NYC on May 1 and will have extensive reports on my trip…

Until then, Happy Wine Country wine tasting (to me)…


Vindicated! Pouring wine at bar/restaurant

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

Friends, business partners and dates have seen me make a case out of it. While dining out, or simply sharing a bottle of wine at a food/beverage establishment, a waiter will often come over to “top off” the glasses. When I am fast enough, I will (as politely as possible) thank them and tell them “not to worry about it”, my nice way of saying don’t you dare pour another drop of the wine I just purchased into that glass. I am fully capable of pouring my own wine thank you very much.

This may sound passively aggressive, or even just plain aggressive, to some of you, but it is something I feel very strongly about (among many other things when it comes to wine service). (more…)

What do you know about wine?

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

With Passover having arrived and large family (and extended family) meals (and seders) taking place I seem to have become somewhat of a clergy. As the wine is poured it is inevitable that someone around the table will announce the presence of The Wine Tasting Guy. At which point open confession begins. The two most common confessions being either “I know nothing about wine” or “I’m embarrassed but I only like sweet wine”.  I both love and hate hearing these common confessions.  I love them as they provide an indication that the confessor has an appreciation for wine, albeit one that has yet to be flushed out.  But I hate such confessions as they indicate an insecurity on the part of the confessor, something that likely resulted from an encounter with a dreaded “wine snob”.

I have preached many times before in this space that people need to trust their palates.  YES, trying new wines MAY lead to a palate that can/will evolve beyond the sweet stuff.  And YES, speaking (and drinking) with people who are more knowledgeable may lead to a better understanding of wine.  BUT…

Wine is food, or at least a lot like it in many ways. We get used to foods that are introduced to us as kids.  We either maintain an open mind and introduce ourselves to new foods and flavors or we don’t.  And we don’t seek out approval from others to decide for us whether or not we LIKE a food.  We try it and we either like it or not.

Wine is (or at least should be) the same way.  Try a wine & decide whether or not you like it.  That is all there is to it.  Forget the label, the price tag, the critic’s rating, or any nonsense some Wine Tasting Guy told you.  Nobody can tell you what will suit your palate.

I must confess that I do enjoy speaking about wine with those to whom it is of interest.  And I do not mind the aforementioned wine confessions.  I suppose this whole post has been about removing the pretension from wine so that more people would feel comfortable trying wine (or new wines) without having to worry about someone looking down their noses at them.

Happy open minded wine tasting!!


BONDING over a shared love of wine

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

I have long been a fan of “male bonding”. B.S.-ing with my buddies.  Yet I often laugh that men don’t regularly engage in deep heartfelt conversation. The bonding is usually over women, sports, or some other common interest. Yet bonding of this sort only lasts SO long (in my experience). Real bonding requires a great shared history &/or a common passion, one as intricate and complex as wine.

I have formed many friendships/bonds over wine the past few years. People I have met in Israel, Napa or NYC. The bond created by wine is very real and once formed, a bond that can be rekindled at any moment.

I bring this up today as I have had two great “wine bond episodes” this week. The first was a person I was randomly put in touch with as a fellow wine lover. After an email introduction I met this person at the Bordeaux tasting this week and had a “partner in crime” at the tasting. As seriously as I take tastings and as much as I don’t mind them alone, isn’t everything in life more fun when you can share it with someone who shares your passion?! (more…)